About Us

Thatcham Memorial Foundation is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) that serves the people of Thatcham and surrounding areas from on its own 7.5-acre site in central Thatcham.

The Foundation has been on the same site for over 70 years and aims to provide facilities including a village hall and playing fields for recreations, organised sport and leisure time activities.

The charity directly operates Thatcham Memorial Hall and the Memorial Playing Fields as hireable amenity space. Parts of the site are leased to other organisations such as Thatcham Bowling Club and 2nd Thatcham Scout Group.

The two tennis courts on the site are owned by the Foundation but operated on a day to day basis by the National Tennis Association.

In 1966 Thatcham War Memorial was moved to the site and a small garden was created around it. The Foundation is responsible for the garden and is custodian of the monument.