A brief history of our hall and charity is given below. The information was taken from the book ‘Thatcham 1895 – 1995 Through The Eyes of a clerk’ written by Roy Brian Tubbs. Our thanks go to him for the inclusion and history of the Memorial Hall & Playing Field entries.
October, 1988
Re-siting the War Memorial
War Memorial not to be re-sited. After hearing details (from Mr Wright) of the difference in cost between re-siting and renovating the Memorial cross, members of the Council agree that it should remain at its present location and repairs be carried out. A sum of £10,000 is to be set aside in the 1989/90 budget for the renovation of the cross.
February, 1982
Council representatives
Although the Council no longer acts as trustee of the playing Fields charity, it is able to appoint three representatives to the MPF Charity’s Management Committee. Councillors Barrett, Hutchings and Pickersgill are elected to serve.
February, 1981
New hall approved
A memorial Hall, measuring 90 ft by 40 ft is to be built. It will incorporate a main hall, lounge/committee room with bar, kitchen, toilets and a store area. The cost will be about £80,000 plus furniture, fittings and flooring for the main hall, giving a total of about £95,000, of which £80,000 will come from the Memorial Hall & Playing Fields Foundation and up to £15,000 from Thatcham Town Council.
April, 1980
Annual bowls match
Twenty-two members and their husbands/wives have indicated their intention to take part in the annual bowls match between Thatcham Bowls club and the Town Council on 21st May.
November, 1980
Playing fields sold
The Mayor of Thatcham reports that the 0.81 acre of the playing fields was sold at auction on the 8th November 1979. It realized the sum of £107,000.
May, 1979
New pavilion agreed
The memorial Playing Fields Pavilion has been set on fire. The large changing room has been completely destroyed; the main pavilion room and smaller changing room have been damaged. The cost of repair has been estimated to exceed £2,000. Council decides, as a trustee, to construct a new pavilion at the earliest possible date.
March, 1979
During the night of March 4/5th, a serious fire burnt out some 50 feet of the roof space of the new Scout/Bowls club building. This was, in the opinion of the chief fire officer, a case of arson. Council is to offer a reward of £100 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the fire.
November, 1974
Premises closed
The Memorial Charity premises are to be closed to the public for one day each year. This is to maintain the trustee’s legal claim that access to the premises is by ‘permission only’. By this means the establishing of any public right of way in or through the premises is legally impended.
October, 1974
Tennis Courts Refurbished
The tennis court to get much needed new surface.The existing tennis courts are to be referenced and resurfaced as soon as possible so as to ensure they are ready for Spring 1975.
October, 1974
New charges
New charges for games and other activities on the Memorial Playing Fields are agreed. These include – Thatcham Bowls club £100 per season, Thatcham Cricket club £100 per season, Newbury and Thatcham Hockey club £175 per season for two pitches. Football will be charged at £2 per game (adults) and £1 per game (under 16) plus £1.50 for hall and kitchens in each case. The hockey charge will be £4 per game plus £1 per half hour for hall, etc. All charges are to begin 1st Oct 1974.
January, 1972
Scheme approved
Thatcham Parish Council approves the amended draft scheme for the administration of the Memorial Playing fields.Under this scheme the Parish Council will become sole trustee – it will take over the functions of the existing memorial hall and Playing Fields Association. Members agree that the scheme will come into operation on the 1st April 1972 if this can be arranged.