A view of the Thatcham Memorial Hall from 1952.

The Charity

The site was purchased from local land owners below market price after monies were collected by public subscription from the parish shortly after WWII. The land was held in trust for the people of Thatcham and surrounding areas.

Since 1947 the site has been managed under the guise of many organisations including local councils and charities. Since 2019 Thatcham Memorial Foundation has been registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). The Charity is managed by a Board of 12 Trustees, 6 of whom are appointed by various bodies with an interest in the site and 6 who are drawn from the community. Trusteeship is a voluntary role.

The Trustees are a collective are legally responsible for running the charity in accordance with the charities aims and abiding by Charity Commission regulations. Above all else the Board must ensure that the site is run safely and the charity is financially viable to ensure the site remains for future generations.

Please see our Charity Commission profile for further information. Prior to 2019 you can find historic records of the charity on the Charity Commission website.