Thatcham Memorial hall Playing Fields

Hire Costs

Thatcham Memorial Foundation offers a wide range of events, such as Weddings, Children’s parties and family functions.

Below are details of the hire costs of our facilities, effective 1st May 2022. The schedule of charges listed on this page are also available as a PDF.

New sessions intended to be ongoing weekly commitments will be offered 4 sessions with a 30% discount.

Thatcham Memorial Foundation is a charity managed by volunteer trustees that to their utmost to serve the community and facilitate as much use of the site as possible. If you have an existing group or an idea for an event that does not fit within this schedule of charges, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

 Memorial Hall Function Rooms 

 Buller Turner Hall & 
William House Room 
Buller Turner Hall
[140m2] [10m x 14m]
William House Room
[38m2] [8.5m x 4.5m]
Casual Hirer£28£23£18
Regular Hirer – After 6pm£27£22£17
Regular Hirer – Before 6pm£26£21£16
Memorial Hall Function Rooms, Hourly Charges
  1. Hire period must include sufficient time for set up and clean down.
  2. Regular Hirers must be hiring at least fortnightly.
  3. Registered charities, local branches of national charities and not for profit community groups may be offered a discount on hire rates. Please contact the office.
  4. New sessions intended to be ongoing weekly commitments will be offered a 30% discount for the first six sessions.

Additional Charges

Access to kitchen£10per session
Sunday & Bank Holiday Surcharge£40per session
Additional charges


A small amount of storage space is available within the hall and service yard for regular hirers. Please contact the office for further information.

A number of shipping containers have now been placed on site. These units can be hired by any person within the Charity’s Area of Benefit. Units measure 20ft x 10ft x 8ft and can be accessed 24/7. Please contact the Office for further information.

Playing Fields

Commercial Hirer [¼ acre per hour] £15
Community Hirer [¼ acre per hour] £12.50Registered charities and not for profit
Organised Event [3.5 Acres for a 5 hour session] £350.00
Playing Fields

Tennis Courts

To book the tennis court please visit the Newbury and Thatcham Community Tennis website.

Ready to make a booking?