Members of Thatcham Women’s institute recently answered an SOS from Thatcham Memorial Foundation who are custodians of Thatcham War Memorial to assist in tending to the memorial garden and install the winter planting arrangements ready for the upcoming time of Remembrance.
Chairman of Thatcham Memorial Foundation, Nathan Gregory commented ‘We have a small team of volunteers who meet monthly to tend to the garden but with restrictions lifting the call of September sun meant the majority were away. The Trustees and I are very grateful to Thatcham WI for answering a call for help to get ready for Remembrance Day. The ladies made quick work of planting over 100 individual plants!’
The War Memorial Gardening Group meets on the 1st Friday of the month to tend to the garden followed by refreshments. Those interested should contact the Foundation’s office on 01635 868244 or via email to
Carolyn Masters of Thatcham Womens’ Institute remarked ‘the WI in Thatcham is over 80 years old and for most of this time we’ve met at the Memorial Hall, it was a great opportunity to give back to a site that has been our home for so long’
Thatcham WI Meet on the 3rd Thursday of each Month, any ladies interested should contact Pauline on 01635 869904 or email to