Volunteer Groups

The Foundation is grateful to all those who give up their time to support the work of the Charity and help us to further improve the site and the lives of local people.

War Memorial Gardening Group

Whether you are green fingered or not a group meets at 10:00am on the first Friday of each month to keep the War Memorial and the garden looking at its best! Midway through the morning we break and have refreshments in the lounge.

If you would like to help out please contact Nick Cornish.

Event Volunteering

Throughout the year the Foundation hold a number of events from the large scale ‘Fun on the Field’ attracting people in the thousands through to more intimate quiz nights for 60. These vital fundraising events throughout the year support the work of the charity and would not happen without the help of our causal volunteers that might only assist at one event.

If you would be interesting at helping out please do contact us directly or via the Volunteer Centre West Berkshire Centre through their Flexiteering Programme.

Trusteeship and Committee Membership

The Charity is lead by a Board of volunteer trustees who as a collective are responsible for the strategic direction of the charity as we as ensuring the smooth running of the day to day operations. Alongside the main Board there are a number of committees from the War Memorial, through to fundraising and looking at the deriving the best possible use of the playing fields; many of the committee have members of the public serving alongside Trustees to ensure the Foundation remains grounded in the local community. If there is a matter or an improvement you are keen to see happen do contact us to find how you can get involved.